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Friday, January 4, 2019

Build a Facebook Page Bot using Azure Bot Service


The Bot Application runs inside an application, like Skype, web chat, Facebook, Message, etc. Users can interact with bots by sending them messages, commands, and inline requests. You control your bots using HTTPS requests to the bot API. In this Article, I am going to show how we can connect Facebook messengers’ channel and integrate Bot Application to the messengers App.

Create FAQ Bot Application:

You can refer my previews article  to create and build a Xamarin FAQ Bot using Azure Bot Service and deploy it into Azure. I am not using any coding for develop the Bot Application, you can follow the provided steps in the article to create and deploy FAQ Bot.
Build FAQ Chatbot Using Azure Bot Service

Setup Facebook Page:

We can implement Bot Application to the Facebook page. You can create Facebook page or select existing page and navigate to “About page”  for find and copy the Page ID.

Login to Facebook APP:

Create a new Facebook App (https://bit.ly/1D0BHpg)  on the Page and generate an App ID , App Secret and Page Access Token for integrate Bot to the page messenger. You can click on “Skip and Create APP Id” from following screen.

Create New App ID:

Provide display Name and Contact Email for integrate Bot application and Click on Create.
After click on Create button, it will navigate to App dashboard screen. The side navigation menu having Settings > Basic and copy the APPID and APP Secret. Provide the Privacy URL, Terms of Service URL, App icon and Select Category.
I have shown the following screen to Select Setting > Advanced and Set the "Allow API Access to App Settings slider to "Yes" and click on Save Changes.

Setup Message:

Select Dashboard and Click on Setup button from messenger group

Create Page Access Token:

Select Setting from messenger side navigation menu to generate token, you can select the Page and generate access token and copy the page access token.

Setup Webhooks:

Click Set up Webhooks to forward messaging events from Facebook Messenger to the bot.
Provide following callback URL and Verify token to the webhooks setup page and select the message, message_postbacks, messaging_optins and message_deliveries subscription fields. The following Steps 2, will show how to generate Callback URL and verify token from Azure portal.
You can click on “Verify and Save “and select the Facebook page to Subscribe the webhook to the Facebook page.

Connect Facebook Channel:

Step 1: Login to Azure portal > Select the “All Resources” > Select Channels > Select Facebook Messengers, let we start configure “Facebook Messengers “Channel and follow below steps, the end of this article you can able to deploy Bot into the Facebook messenger  

Step 2:
The Azure Facebook configuration channel will generate following Callback URL and verify token, You can copy those information and Past to the Facebook webhook setup screen. (Return to the Facebook messenger setup screen).
Step 3:
You can paste the Facebook App ID, Facebook App Secret, Page ID,and Page Access Token values copied from Facebook Messenger previously. You can use the same bot on multiple facebook pages by adding additional page ids and access tokens.

Submit for Facebook Review:

Select Ap preview and Click and Submit for review after submit will take some time for the facebook team testing to the messenger bot and you can mark your app live available to the public , then you can test messenger from the Facebook page .

Facebook Team review and Testing:

You can verify Facebook team testing progress, navigate to your Facebook page and Click on Inbox and verify, if anything problem to the messenger bot, the Team will update the bug list from App review screen.

Xamarin FAQ Messengers testing:

You can select your Facebook page and test your bot application. I have trained 7000+ more questions to the Facebook messengers bot from Xamarin Q & A Page,if you want to look the xamarin FAQ demo. Navigate to Xamarin Q & A Facebook page and ask your xamairn related question.


In this article, you have learned how to integrate bot application right into your Facebook Page via Azure Microsoft AI. If you have any questions/feedback/issues, please write in the comment box.

Build FAQ Chatbot using Azure Bot Service

Introduction :

Bot Framework enables you to build bots that support different types of interactions with users. You can design conversations in your bot to be free. Your bot can also have more guided interactions where it provides the users with choices or actions. The conversation can use simple text strings or more complex rich cards that contain text, images, and action buttons. And, you can add natural language interactions, which let your users interact with your bots in a natural and expressive way.
We are going to create and build Xamarin FAQ Bot using Azure Bot Service and deploy into Webchat .in this article, we are not going to write any coding for implement Xamarin FAQ Bot but be ready with what are the question and answer to train the Bot. I have already created 7000+ more Xamarin Q A as word document, we will use same document for upload and train knowledge base.

Create a QnA Service:

Step 1: Navigate to https://qnamaker.ai/ and Sign in using Microsoft Account.
Step 2: Click on “Create a knowledge base” from main menu
Step 3: You can skip “Create a QnA service” step, let we publish QnA service after create knowledge base.
Step 4: Provide QnA Knowledge base basic information
Step 5: You can extract question and answer pairs from an online FAQ, manuals Entry and upload files with .tsv,.pdf,.doc,.docx,.xls format. If you are trying to enter manual entry skip this step.
Add chit-chat to your bot, to make your bot more conversational and engaging, with low effort. You can easily add chit-chat data sets for 3 pre-defined personalities when creating your KB, and change them at any timer. Chit-chat is supported for 3 predefined personalities
  • The Professional
  • The Friend
  • The Comic
Step 5: Click on “Create your KB”
Step 6: Wait for a few seconds for load all the knowledge base Q & A to the Online Editor.
Step 7: QnA service has loaded our FAQs Editor with two-column knowledge base, without any extra tweaking needed from you. Now you can edit and modify old Q&A and also Select Add new QnA pair to input other greetings and responses.
Step 8: The main menu having different option, Edit, Publish, Save, train, test and Settings. While click on Edit the above knowledge base edit screen will open, you can search and filter the question and Edit. After Edit always click on “Save and train” menu option for Save.

Step 9: Click on “Publish”. once you publish the knowledge base endpoint available for use in your bot or App
Step 10: Knowledge base will generate following, you can make note. need to update below details in Azure Hosting.
  • Knowledge base Key
  • Host Address
  • EndPointKey

Create and Publish QnA Bot in Azure:

Step 1: Navigate and Login to https://portal.azure.com/.
Step 2: Select + Create a resource > Select “AI Machine Learning” > Click on “Web App Bot
Step 3: Let we start create Web App Bot, Provide the Bot Name, resource, location and also follow the step 4, Step 5 for select Bot template and prizing and click on Create.
Step 4: You can use the v3 templates, select SDK version of SDK v3 and SDK language of C# or Node.js. Select the Question and Answer template for the Bot template field, then save the template settings by selecting Select.
Step 5: You can choose a pricing tier for Bot Search service

Step 6: Review your settings, then select Create. This creates and deploys the bot service with XamarinQA to Azure .
Step 7: Open Xamarin BotQA App Service from All Resource > Application Settings and edit the QnAKnowledgebaseId, QnAAuthKey, and the QnAEndpointHostName fields to contain the values of your QnA Maker knowledge base. Like below

Test and Implement Web Chat App:

In the Azure portal, click on Test in Web Chat to test the bot and Click on Channel > Deploy bot Application to Web Chat and Implement into your Website or Application.


In this article, you learned Create, train, and publish your QnA Maker knowledge base. I have created 7000+ Xamarin Q A knowledge base and deployed into my blog (www.devenvexe.com) and Xamarin Q A Facebook Page, you can try out for demo and If you have any questions/feedback/ issues, please write in the comment box.